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Lockdown activities

The PaddleBoat team are finding new ways to engage with children/young people and our audiences. We are working hard to secure funding and organise activities that will help us still connect with communities, ensure we survive covid-19 and be ready to provide for our audiences when theatres, schools and other venues fully re-open.

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According to Arthur... was PaddleBoat's second show. Thanks to funding from Devon County Council and Cambridge Libraries you can...

'Clare Hollingworth and the Scoop of the Century' is PaddleBoat's latest show. Thanks to funding from Heritage Lottery and Doorstep Arts you can...

PaddleBoat creates all shows in collaboration with school-children. This Summer term, we're meant to be working in schools to create our next show: 'Dream Maker'. We obviously can't go into schools right now so need your help. Thanks to Arts Council funding you can...

  • Get involved with the creation of our new show by watching videos and sending us your ideas. Help us design a set, create characters, and much more! 

If you enjoy doing any of these activities/ watching the videos please consider donating to PaddleBoat. We are a Community Interest Company which means all funds go back into future projects - thank you for your support

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© 2024 PaddleBoat Theatre Company 

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"This company understands how to perform children's theatre in a way that isn't dumbed-down or diluted. The performances are vibrant, rich, detailed and challenging - they expect the children to 'get it' and they do. The benefit is that we as adults can enjoy the show just as much" 

Contact us:

Facebook: /Paddleboattheatreco

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